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Hi, my name is Freke van Nimwegen and I’m the new owner of SHYFT. When Peter, the founder of SHYFT knew he didn’t have long to live anymore, he asked me to continue SHYFT. A great honour… Since the start of SHYFT I’ve been closely working together with Peter and his products. I’ve been guiding hundreds of people with microdosing and have seen beautiful ‘Shyfts’ happen. My motto is live to love and love to live – and nature can really help us to do so. 

In my practice Tools to Thrive I help people come home to their nature so they can thrive again. I work with Breathwork, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Reiki and many other methods, often combined with the use of SHYFT’s beautiful medicines.

I truly hope we can inspire and support you to make your desired SHYFT and unlock your full potential.

Freke van Nimwegen



In memoriam

SHYFT was founded in 2021 by Peter Beentjes. He was a beautiful person with a big heart ánd a strong ambassador of medicinal mushrooms and other natural remedies. Thanks to the support of natural medicine, he balanced his health while living with a serious condition.

Sadly enough Peter is not amongst us anymore, as he passed away March 2024. We are beyond grateful for Peter’s legacy: SHYFT. It is much needed in this world where we are so detached from (our own) nature. 


Contact us

Questions or feedback? Use the contact form or (preferably) send us an email directly at:


Please note:
we aim to respond within a few hours on weekdays – please check your spam folder if you have not received a reply within 24h
SHYFT office
De Clercqstraat 160
2013PT Haarlem
KvK number: 84634529
VAT number: NL003122279B74
SHYFT distribution
Van Alkemadelaan 4
2371 EX Roelofarendsveen